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TOL Book Coaching

TOL의 핵심 원리인 ‘習의 3단계 과정’을 통해 習synergy Effect를 스스로 적용하고 체험함으로써

발견하고 향상시킬 수 있도록 돕는 독서 코칭

선반에 책

TOL Book Coaching Basic Principles

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Reading Coaching Process

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Genre-specific Trained reading notes

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독서가 동기 부여에 미치는 영향에 관한 사례와 논문

학습 동기


  • Title: The Effect of Reading on Students' Motivation and Engagement in Learning

  • Authors: Gambrell, L. B., & Marinak, R. (2016)

  • Journal: Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 59(4), 305-316.

  • Abstract: This study examined the effect of reading on students' motivation and engagement in learning. Results indicated that students who read more frequently reported higher levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, as well as greater engagement in classroom activities.


  • Program: Accelerated Reading (AR)

  • Findings: AR has been shown to increase student motivation and engagement in reading, leading to improved reading achievement outcomes.

성취 동기


  • Title: The Role of Reading in Fostering Achievement Motivation

  • Authors: Wigfield, A., & Guthrie, J. T. (2000)

  • Journal: Educational Psychology Review, 12(1), 1-49.

  • Abstract: This review of research examines the role of reading in fostering achievement motivation. The authors argue that reading can help students develop a sense of competence, value for learning, and interest in schoolwork, all of which are important components of achievement motivation.


  • Program: Read 180

  • Findings: Read 180 has been shown to improve student motivation and achievement in reading and other subjects.

사회적 동기


  • Title: The Influence of Reading on Social Motivation and Relationships

  • Authors: Pappas, C. P., & Kieffer, M. J. (2005)

  • Journal: Reading Research Quarterly, 40(4), 483-502.

  • Abstract: This study investigated the influence of reading on social motivation and relationships. Results indicated that reading can help students develop empathy, social skills, and positive relationships with others.


  • Program: Book Clubs

  • Findings: Book clubs have been shown to improve student motivation and engagement in reading, as well as their social skills and relationships with peers.

개인적 성장 동기


  • Title: The Role of Reading in Promoting Personal Growth and Development

  • Authors: Alexander, P. A., & Graham, S. (2006)

  • Journal: The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Research, 80(2), 91-97.

  • Abstract: This article discusses the role of reading in promoting personal growth and development. The authors argue that reading can help students develop self-awareness, critical thinking skills, and a broader understanding of the world.


  • Program: Independent Reading

  • Findings: Independent reading has been shown to improve student motivation and engagement in reading, as well as their personal growth and development.

​긍정적 정서 유지


  • Title: The Impact of Reading on Emotional Well-being and Mental Health

  • Authors: Mckenna, M. C., & Sharma, M. (2010)

  • Journal: Journal of Reading Behavior, 42(4), 301-320.

  • Abstract: This study examined the impact of reading on emotional well-being and mental health. Results indicated that reading can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and promote feelings of happiness and relaxation.


  • Program: Bibliotherapy

  • Findings: Bibliotherapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and stress.

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